I've been trying to familiarize myself with the directory filtering improvements in ExamDiff Pro 15.0.
For this I used two directories with locally cloned Git repositories.
When comparing the two directories, the directory comparison filter :*\.git\* worked as expected. The files in the .git directory are excluded from the comparison and are not shown in the results view.
I then tried to filter out the same .git directory (with the directory comparison filter turned off) in the results view using a path view filter. The include patterns were set to the default value of *. I tried using the following patterns as exclude patterns: *\.git\* or .git\* or .git\. All three exclude patterns had no effect. Using *.sql as exclude patterns to exclude files with the SQL extension, however, worked as expected.
Am I doing something wrong here? Or is it not possible to filter directories using the path view filter from the results view?
Directory Filtering using a Path View Filter
Re: Directory Filtering using a Path View Filter
I need more details on your setup. Please provide relevant screenshots.I then tried to filter out the same .git directory (with the directory comparison filter turned off) in the results view using a path view filter. The include patterns were set to the default value of *. I tried using the following patterns as exclude patterns: *\.git\* or .git\* or .git\. All three exclude patterns had no effect. Using *.sql as exclude patterns to exclude files with the SQL extension, however, worked as expected.
Re: Directory Filtering using a Path View Filter
I'll try to explain the behavior using a publicly available Git repository from GitHub and some screenshots so you can reproduce it.
First, I clone the Git repository twice into two different directories:
I then created a new session with all options reset to default and compared the two directories. The result looks like this after switching to flat mode:
The next two screenshots show my (unsuccessful) attempt to filter out the .git directory and its contents in the results view using a path view filter:
First, I clone the Git repository twice into two different directories:
Code: Select all
git clone https://github.com/nigelpoulton/TheK8sBook.git TheK8sBook1
git clone https://github.com/nigelpoulton/TheK8sBook.git TheK8sBook2
Re: Directory Filtering using a Path View Filter
The next two screenshots show how I was able to successfully filter out files with the YML extension from the results view by using *.yml as an exclude pattern:
Interestingly, a quick path view filter to show only the files in the .git directory seems to work:
Re: Directory Filtering using a Path View Filter
Thank you for your detailed analysis. The fix will appear in the next build of version 15.