How about a secure version i.e scp/ssh ?

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How about a secure version i.e scp/ssh ?

Post by RubiconCSL »


Nice looking toolset. Any chance of a secure connection version i.e. scp/ssh?

Not that I'm paranoid or anything, but I really feel much happier using scp/ssh.


Dominic Raywood
Rubicon Computer Services Limited
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Post by psguru »

Yes, there's a chance (not sure when though). I'll add your vote to the wish list at .
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Re: How about a secure version i.e scp/ssh ?

Post by fredmc »

It has been 10 years since this request. I made a similar one two years ago. Looking at the votes it appears that this is an extremely highly requested feature - way more than double the next highly requested feature. Your last build was quite a while ago. Is there any chance that you will ever, in my lifetime (I'm 65), implement a secure connection protocol? As it is, it appears that our votes don't mean much to you. Please, we really like the product, but just using an obscure port to connect isn't really secure and likely isn't available to everyone who would like to use FtpVC.
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Re: How about a secure version i.e scp/ssh ?

Post by psguru »

I'm afraid my answer will not satisfy you.

FtpVC is heavily reliant on WinInet API, and the latter has yet to support any kind of secure FTP. While there's a hope that Microsoft will eventually add this support, we have no idea when or if it might happen. On the other hand, rewriting FtpVC to use another FTP library was attempted a couple of times, and each time it proved to be very hard to justify in terms of ROI.

So as things stand now, I can't promise adding secure FTP support in foreseeable future, not due to lack of desire to help our users but to the aforementioned technical difficulties.
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