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Match Identical Strings in Two txt Files

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:54 pm
by deepdoc1
New user here....

I have 2 txt files with server names. Many of these names will be identical in both files, some other names will be different in each file. Can ExamDiff Pro sort and match the identical names and highlight the differences for me?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Match Identical Strings in Two txt Files

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:06 pm
by psguru
Yes. If you want to sort files prior to comparison, enable the Sort plug-in (Options | Plug-ins) for your file extension. Alternatively, do right-click, Apply Plug-in, Sort for each file after the initial comparison, then re-compare.

Re: Match Identical Strings in Two txt Files

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 2:43 am
by Manor
I have a similar question as deepdoc1.

I compare two text files (A, B). Both text files contains eight characters member names. Text file A could be considered the master. I would like to compare the files in the same way that deepdoc1 asked for.

I would like to have this result:
File A: File B:
BBBBBBBB (just in file B)
CCCCCCCC (just in file A)
CCCCXXXX (just in file B)
CCCCYYYY (just in file B)

...but I get this result:
File A: File B:
(I haven't accually tested this sample above...but the result with many thousand members per file is very similar).

In my case I'm most interested to find the member CCCCCCCC in file A without any matching member in file B.
Is it possible to get the above result with any option?

Best regards,

Re: Match Identical Strings in Two txt Files

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:12 pm
by psguru
Not automatically. However, version 5.0 has a new command, "Split Block", that will split a Changed block into a pair of Added and Deleted blocks, thus separating the line you are interested in.