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Almost undo

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:50 pm
by MSpagni
I found a very small glitch in the editor.

If you copy a block of "different" text from one pane to the other and then you undo it, you revert to the previous state but, instead of having the whole block higlighted as usual (i.e. as before), only the first and the last two lines of the restored blck are highlighted.
Scroll them out then in (force a redraw) and you'll see that the problem is just apparent.
In some case it's enough to move the mouse to highlight the block correctly.
In practice: a trivial problem of refresh.

Re: Almost undo

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:53 pm
by psguru
Hmm, not reproducible here. I guess it depends on options, and your files might help while you are at it.