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Cannot Compare RTF Files

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:34 pm
by kelltic
I need an application to compare files, mostly .rtf files. I cannot seem to find anything that works well. I tried ExamDiff Pro many years ago and I liked it and had no trouble with it at all. Now, I get a mess on one file that looks like this, plain\s3\ql\s3\li0\fi432\ri0\sb0\sl240\slmult1\sa240 \f1\fs20, multiplied a thousand times over and the other side shows text mixed in with some of the same gobbledy-gook. Nothing that I can work with. I can't seem to find an option that helps.

Is there a place where I can download and try an earlier version?

Re: Cannot Compare RTF Files

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:47 pm
by psguru
You can add *.rtf to the name filter of the "DOC to Text" plug-in (Options | Plug-ins). What you are seeing now id the actual text of RTF files (the are text files, not binary).

Re: Cannot Compare RTF Files

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:19 pm
by kelltic
So, I guess I would have to reinstall to try it. Odd behavior, methinks, since it once worked so well. I would still like to find the older version that had no trouble with my files.

By the way, One side claims to be UNIX the other UNK, and as I mentioned before, they do not look the same.

Thanks anyway.

Re: Cannot Compare RTF Files

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:40 pm
by psguru
You don't need to reinstall, just change the options I mentioned. Older version did not behave any differently.