Can override forceloadoptions.txt and forceloadsettings.txt

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Can override forceloadoptions.txt and forceloadsettings.txt

Post by fredmc »

If I have forceloadoptions.txt and/or forceloadsettings.txt in the root directory on the remote server, those options and settings are indeed loaded. However, the user can change the options and settings after they are loaded. So, while I may be forcing users to load these options and settings, I am not forcing them to use them. It would be nice if the options and settings in those files were "read only."

Of course, to change them, the person responsible for changing them would have to delete the files from the server, connect, make changes, resave, then re-upload them to the server. OR, simply make the changes in a text editor. Or, if forceloadoptions.txt and forceloadsettings.txt could be tagged, perhaps by a line in the file, with the user name of the person who created them, then for that person make them not "read only." I'm not sure of the best way to handle changing them, but forcing those options and settings to be actually used, and not just loaded, would be a good thing. (On the other hand, if you can't trust someone on your team to not change them, perhaps you shouldn't be trusting them with access to your server!)

Also, just like with the ftpvc directory, it would seem logical to not include them in the directory listing.
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Re: Can override forceloadoptions.txt and forceloadsettings.

Post by psguru »

While these concerns are valid, you kind of summarized the FtpVC approach in "On the other hand, if you can't trust someone on your team to not change them, perhaps you shouldn't be trusting them with access to your server!" I think it would be too harsh to make loaded settings read-only.
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