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Add Synchronization option

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:02 pm
by Freemgl
While a user can do it manually, ExamDiff Pro is one step away from allowing an automatic or semi-automatic synchronization feature. This feature would allow a user to synchronize two directories based on a previously defined set of conditions (like synchronizing a PDA). It could also be combined with the Compare Set request I made previously.

Again, thanks.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:03 pm
by psguru
This feature is already on the ExamDiff Pro wish list at
("File and directory synchronization. Allow user to specify what blocks to copy (Added, Deleted, etc.). Allow to select part of file (for file comparison) or set of files/directories (for directory comparison) to be synchronized." )

I'll add your vote there. I agree, this feature is very important, and it'll probably be added to the next version.