queries from ancient history

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queries from ancient history

Post by Gorlash »

Sooo... I've been a contented user of Examdiff Pro for many years now... I used it for the last couple of decades of my professional career, though I'm retired now... anyway, I'm currently using... wait for it... V7.0.1.7 (09/13/14)... I also have my first EDP registration message, for version 3.0 (01/09/2003)...

Honestly, I never upgraded after 7.0, because in all those years I have never *once* said "if only this did XXX"...

However, every time I've seen a new version show up in distribution, I've thought "wow... he's still supporting this program! That's pretty cool!!"
So today I was cruising through new-file listings on snapfiles.com, and saw that V13.0 is now released!! amazing...

So, my question is this:
What changes have occurred since V7 in 2014, that I might actually notice and appreciate??
I'm not asking about trivial detail changes; for example, I downloaded the eval version a year or two back, and there are definitely changes in colors... and I've read through the change lists on multiple occasions over the years... yeah, massive TMI shocks...

I want to know what substantive changes I would find between V7 and V13, that would add value to my life?? Ignore the fact that I'm retired now; it's not impossible that I might return to work at some point, and that would be when I would care about this question...

Thank y'all for any inputs that ye could provide!!
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Re: queries from ancient history

Post by MSpagni »

Gosh! Not a trivial question.
There were so many changes and fixes that it's hard to pinpoint the most significants.
Furthermore, to decide what is significant depends on what you need to do.
I think I do a fairly deep use of EDP so I would desperately miss many of the new features, but if your needs are less demanding you can be satisfied even by the older version.
After all, EDP was a very good program even back then (and even before: I think I was using version 5). :!:
My only "problem" is that I became so "addicted" to it that I feel lost without. :D
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Re: queries from ancient history

Post by psguru »

There have been too many changes since version 7.0. The best way to find the major ones is to look at https://www.prestosoft.com/edp_history.asp, and check, say, top 3-4 changes for each version starting from 8.0.
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Re: queries from ancient history

Post by Gorlash »

psguru wrote: Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:46 am There have been too many changes since version 7.0. The best way to find the major ones is to look at https://www.prestosoft.com/edp_history.asp, and check, say, top 3-4 changes for each version starting from 8.0.
Aye, this was the right answer, thank you!! That permitted me to quickly summarize the significant changes, especially since it highlighted the major issues in each version. Very cool!
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