Does not remember status without refreshing

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Does not remember status without refreshing

Post by fredmc »

If I click on directory A, the status of all files is "unknown." I click to refresh it. Then I click on directory B, then click on directory A again, and the status has gone back to "unknown." Can the status of a file not be remembered locally so that simply changing to another directory doesn't lose it, and the directory has to be refreshed every time you click on it? I realize the status could change because of actions of another user, and of course I'd expect the status to be retrieved anytime I perform an action on a file where the status mattered.

If nothing else, just a setting that says "Refresh the directory before listing the files" would help.

I can set Auto Refresh, but I may be switching directories every few minutes, so a refresh rate, to work, would have to be very short. That will cause a lot of ftp traffic.

Still evaluating whether this product will work for my clients. I hope it will, since I do like its basic simplicity.
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Re: Does not remember status without refreshing

Post by psguru »

This should work. Do you have "Update status of files after reading directory" off under Options | Startup?
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Re: Does not remember status without refreshing

Post by fredmc »

Yes, I did have that off. Sorry! I was trying to speed it up, since when I first installed this, it took 10 minutes to show the files in a directory (my regular ftp client takes a fraction of a second). It appears that isn't a problem now. I don't know what made the difference.

Thanks. Issue closed.
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