bug in date/time and/or crc?

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bug in date/time and/or crc?

Post by grimblefritz »

Using the Nov 18 2.3 beta

Stub shows checkin time at 2004-11-27 @ 16:04:20 (when I say stub I mean the time in the stub name, not the time of the stub file itself)

File on ftp server is dated 2004-11-27 @ 16:04:00

No matter what 'set local file time' option I use to 'get' the file, it always shows out of date.

Have tried setting the file time on the ftp server to 16:04:20, still out of date. Also tried editing the stub to reflect 16:04:00, still out of date.

Verified the local file times are being set as requested when doing the gets.

Does ftpvc check down to the second? I figure yes, but have to ask.

Other examples (dates are the same, so only showing times):

Stub = 16:10:00 File = 16:14:22
Stub = 16:13:18 File = 16:13:12

Any idea what could be causing the time mismatch?

If I checkout one of these files, the status immediately goes to 'modified'. If I then undo the checkout, it goes back to 'out of date'.

I've pulled a separate copy of the file from the ftp server and compared it to the local file (using fc) and the files are identical. The help seems to suggest that a CRC mismatch results in a 'modified' status.

Could this be a CRC problem? There are four users updating files. One runs Win 98se, one runs Win ME, one runs Win 2K and one runs Win XP. Is there perhaps a difference in how CRC is computed, due to OS differences? Might this cause the 'out of date' status?

If I checkout the file (status says modified), make zero changes and just check it back in, then the status goes to current. Just out of curiosity, I captured the CRC from the stub file on one of these prior to checkout, then checked it back in and checked the CRC again.

Before: 3639388600
After: 702587198

This difference in CRC could be normal if more than just the file data is included in the CRC. However, if the CRC is strictly on the file data, then I seems as though a CRC issue might exist. (The file before and after checkin in this case was unchanged, so the CRC should have been the same.)

FEATURE REQUEST: In the Properties dialog it would be useful to see the stored (stub) CRC and Date/Time, vs the same data for the file on the ftp server, and the same data for the local file.
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Post by psguru »

There was a bug in November 18 Beta causing sometimes wrong status to be shown in FtpVC. It is now fixed in the latest build on the web site.

Let me also answer your questions.

> Does ftpvc check down to the second? I figure yes, but have to ask.


> Stub = 16:10:00 File = 16:14:22
> Stub = 16:13:18 File = 16:13:12
> Any idea what could be causing the time mismatch?

Stub time depends on operation and options. E.g. for check-in, if "Keep checked-out" option is used, stub will get current time; otherwise, stub time will be same as local file time.

> I\'ve pulled a separate copy of the file from the ftp server and compared it to
> the local file (using fc) and the files are identical. The help seems to
> suggest that a CRC mismatch results in a \'modified\' status.

"Modified" -- if the file is checked out by you, "Out of date" -- if checked out by someone else, or not checked-out.

> Could this be a CRC problem? There are four users updating files. One runs Win
> 98se, one runs Win ME, one runs Win 2K and one runs Win XP. Is there perhaps a
> difference in how CRC is computed, due to OS differences? Might this cause the
> 'out of date' status?

This is unlikely. All Win32 versions should work the same way. Have you seen CRC changes after using Win98?

> This difference in CRC could be normal if more than just the file data is
> included in the CRC. However, if the CRC is strictly on the file data, then I seems
> as though a CRC issue might exist. (The file before and after checkin in this
> case was unchanged, so the CRC should have been the same.)

CRCs are calculated based solely on file data. I'm not sure yet what caused the discrepancy in your case.

> FEATURE REQUEST: In the Properties dialog it would be useful to see the stored
> (stub) CRC and Date/Time, vs the same data for the file on the ftp server, and
> the same data for the local file.

Yes, CRC can be added to file properties (remote file's CRC is stored in its stub). Stub timestamp is not really relevant, and IMO it will confuse users. As far as local file's information, you can view it's time using "Explorer Menu For Local File(s)" context menu, then Properties. You can also get one of free CRC Shell Extensions to view local file file's CRC (e.g. http://www.freewareweb.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?ID=629 inserts a new property page to file properties dialog).
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