Packages and states

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Packages and states

Post by superseven »

Hi all,

I work as a self employed consultant and find FtpVC very useful for my needs. However, I used to work for a consulting company who used Computer Associates "Harvest". In Harvest there is two features which I miss in FtpVC.
  • 1) Packages and package group
    2) States
Packages and package group
We used packages to group several files that all were affected by the same modification. Lets say that the customer wanted a modification that required a new column to be added in a table in the database. In this case there might be three files affected: a) A script op modify the databas (alter table etc). b) Some modification of the stored procudures. In our case Oracles PL/SQL files. c) Modification of the client code, this new column should probably be visible on some Windows form in one way or another.

A package group was, as the name implies just a group av packages. The grouping criteria was mainly that the modification should be built and installed at the same time.

We typically used three or four different states depending on the project requirements. States were used to indicate whether the package was under implementation, in test phase or in production.

So the was a description of how it used to be, but nowadays I used FtpVC.

Anyone have a suggestion of how to achieve this with FtpVC, or at least something similar?


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Post by psguru »

FtpVC does not really provide such kind of functionality. Perhaps what you are looking for could be also described in terms of "atomic transactions" that can be found in more advanced version control systems, such as Perforce. FtpVC, on the other hand, is a simple system that rather resembles Visual SourseSafe. The only way I can think of for files to be grouped as via labels.
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