I want to compare occasionally two very big (binary) files or two directories which contain very big (binary) files.
Very big means > 300 MB
I simply want to know if these two files are equal or not resp. yes or not.
I don't want to know where (in which lines or hex address) are exactly the differences.
Currently the comparisons are very very long running.
I could imagine that ExamDiff offers a "speed" compare function/option which does not pay attention to the difference locations but try to search simply for the answer files are equal yes/no
How EXACTLY can I enable this option?
How do I detect file diffs only yes/no ?
Re: How do I detect file diffs only yes/no ?
Options | Misc | Messages | Message about different binary files.
Re: How do I detect file diffs only yes/no ?
By the way, maybe this topic will also help you to decrease comparison time.pstein wrote:I want to compare occasionally two very big (binary) files or two directories which contain very big (binary) files.
Very big means > 300 MB
Currently the comparisons are very very long running....
Re: How do I detect file diffs only yes/no ?
If all you want is a byte-by-byte comparison, with a yes/no result, just use the MSDOS command processor. The following CMD file takes two arguments, the paths of the two files (I don't know how to compare all files in two folders, but it can be done). It prints whether the two match or not. I created this and use this all the time. Take care to copy this on the clipboard to make sure all the little funny characters are correct.
@echo off
set equal=different
For /f "Tokens=*" %%i in ('"echo n|comp %1 %2 /a /l"') do if "%%i"=="Files compare OK" set equal=identical
echo %equal%: %1
if %equal%==different echo *** Files Differ: %1 %2
No guarantees.
@echo off
set equal=different
For /f "Tokens=*" %%i in ('"echo n|comp %1 %2 /a /l"') do if "%%i"=="Files compare OK" set equal=identical
echo %equal%: %1
if %equal%==different echo *** Files Differ: %1 %2
No guarantees.
Re: How do I detect file diffs only yes/no ?
Or just use "fc /b File1 File2".